Colombia Jairo Arcila Honey Process Peach Macerated with White Wine Yeast

Colombia Jairo Arcila Honey Process Peach Macerated with White Wine Yeast

from $30.00

The incredible folks of Cofinet and the incomparable Jairo Arcila have done it again! We are so proud to introduce the newest in our lineup of cofermented coffee - Peach Macerated Honey Process.

This coffee was grown by Jairo Arcila at the farm Santa Monica. This coffee was exposed to a dry anaerobic fermentation period of 72 hours with the pulp on. During this fermentation stage peaches and wine yeast were added. The coffee cherries were then pulped and placed to dry on raised beds with peaches placed amongst the coffee until the ideal moisture content was achieved.

This Microlot is 100% Castillo.

Being South Jersey natives, we have a special place in our hearts for fresh, juicy peaches. When we saw that our friends were releasing this incredible coffee, we had to find a way to get our hands on it. When the opportunity presented itself, we jumped on it!

We hope you guys like it as much as we do.

You’re gonna taste peach sweetness, lime, and caramel.

Grind Level:
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